Ph.D. Students
Master Students
- Wassamon Thongaiod (Ink)
- Supassara Panuwittayanusorn (Prang)
- Thammarong Tangsai (Bass)
- Kanticha Tachanun (Baitong)
Ph.D. Students

Sucha Numkliang (Sucha)
Areas of interest
Environmental Toxicology / Cell and Molecular Biology / Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
Background & Studies
- B.Sc. in Occupational Health and Safety, School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand (2021)
- M.Sc. in Toxicology (International Program), Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand (2013)
- B.Sc. in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Science, Naresuan University, Thailand (2008)
Work Experience
- The member and secretary of Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University-Human Ethics Committee (NSRU-HEC), Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University (2019-Present)
- Lecturer in Department of Applied Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University (2017-Present)
- Teaching Assistant in Faculty of Medical Science, Naresuan University (2016-2017)
- Research Assistant in the Center of Excellence in Research for Sustainability of Health, Environment and Industry, Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University (2015-2017)
Email: sucha.n@nsru.ac.th
Motto: It always seems impossible until it’s done. (Nelson Mandela)

Patcha Leelakun (Pang)
Areas of interest
Heavy metals pollution, Ecological risk assessment, coastal and marine toxicology
Background & Studies
- Faculty of Science – Industrial Toxicology and Risk Assessment – (Ph.D.), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (Present).
- Faculty of Science – Industrial Toxicology and Risk Assessment – (M.Sc.), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (2021).
- Faculty of Science – Environmental Science– (B.Sc), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (2017).
E-mail: patcha4431@gmail.com
Motto: It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

Chatchai Thamoonlek (Pomm)
Areas of interest:
- Occupational exposures to noise and hazardous chemicals and interventions for risk reduction
- Combined health effects of occupational exposures and cccupational health risk assessment
Background & Studies:
- M.Sc. Occupational Health, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, The University of Birmingham, U.K. (2016)
- B.Sc. (Public Health) in Occupational Health and Safety, Khon Kaen University (2009)
Work Experience:
- Occupational Health and Safety Program Manager, IBM Thailand Co., Ltd. (2021-present)
- Lecturer in B.Sc. Occpuational Health and Safety Program, Mae Fah Luang University (2020-2021)
- Occupational Health Engineer, SCG Chemicals Co., Ltd. and Rayong Olefins Co., Ltd. (2011-2020)
- Graduate Trainee, Mondelēz International (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Formerly Kraft Foods Thailand Co., Ltd.) (2010-2011)
- ESH Officer, Bayer Thai Co., Ltd. (Formerly Monsanto Thailand Co., Ltd.) ( 2009-2011)
Email: cthamoonlek@gmail.com
Motto – Live a Happy Life.
Master Students

Wassamon Thongaiod (Ink)
Area of interest
- Geostatiscal application in land resource and risk assessment
Background & Studies
- B.Sc. (Environmental Science), Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (2018-2021)
Work experiences
- Internship in the position of Assistant Environmental Consultant at Envix Asia Co., Ltd.
(Jun 2021 – Jul 2021)
Email: wassamon009@gmail.com
Motto: Life is not measured by how successful you are, but by how many breathtaking moments you have.

Supassara Panuwittayanusorn (Prang)
Area of Interest
Water contamination and wastewater treatment.
Background & Studies
- B.Sc. (Environmental Science) Faculty of Science and Technology Thammasat University,
Thailand (2020)
- Environmentalist at Aben Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. (2021-Present .)
- Environmentalist at Sts green Co., Ltd. (2020-2021)
E–mail: Supassara1109@gmail.com
Motto: Practice make me perfect

Thammarong Tangsai (Bass)
Area of Interest
Ecology and Ecosystem service management, Toxicology and environmental health, Air pollution (Characterization of Particulate Matter), Environmental health impact assessment, Environmental and occupational health
Background & Studies
- B.Sc. (Environmental Science), Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand (2019)
- Policy and Plan Analyst at Office of The Permanent Secretory for Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2021-Present)
- Policy and Plan analyst at National Research Council of Thailand (2020-2021)
- Research Assistant at Division of Land use Planning and Policy, Department of Land Development (2020)
E–mail: thammarong.t@hotmail.com
Motto: Life begins at the end of comfort zone

Kanticha Tachanun (Baitong)
Area of Interest
Impact of climate change on human health , agriculture and environment . Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment. Maximun Residue Limits / MRLs
Background & Studies
- B.Sc (Environmental Science and Technology) , Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies , Mahidol University , Thailand (2019)
- Administrative Assistant at National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards,Thailand (July 2021 – Present)
- Operations Project Officer at Resources Management For Sustainbility (3R) Foundation , Thailand (July 2020 – April 2021)
E–mail: kanticha.tac@gmail.com
Motto: Every day is a fresh start